Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ever Feel Like This!!!

Have you ever felt like this?

I've been a Beachbody customer since 2007, the year my mother passed away. I absolutely love them. They are all about a lifestyle change and not a quick fix. They have helped me get into the best shape of my life and are currently helping me get my body back after 3 babies.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

1st week of Clean Eating, 2nd week Les Mills Body Pump

Well I survived my first week of clean eating but I'm sad to say it wasn't easy. I did make a few mistakes and ate some items I clearly knew I shouldn't. Cake and ice cream for dessert, seriously, I wasn't even hungry! I'm realizing a lot of my eating habits are in my head, thoughts that I allow to take over my body. Thoughts that make me justified wrong food choices. I woke up this morning and told myself that today is a new day!

On a positive note my Greenberry Shakeology arrived! I love it!!! I normally drink the Chocolate so I didn't no what to expect and I was pleasantly surprised. It's nice to have a treat that's good for you. This week I also finished week two of Les Mills Pump. Love the workout and my whole body is feeling it. I really feel it in my abs where I had my C-section. That's great because I know that area is starting to tone up. I will loose my mommy pooch! On the days where they recommend walking I've been doing one of the combat DVDs instead.

I finished up the week reading Go For No by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz. Great book I recommend for everyone. It focuses on a man in sales but you can apply the principles to every area of your life. I love that they give you practical advices in a story format. Fun, easy read!

Not a bad week overall!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 3 90/10 Clean Eating Challenge

I'm currently on day 3 of the 90/10 clean eating challenge. I would like to say that it's been easy but to be honest it's harder than I thought it would be. First off, I already thought I ate clean but I'm realizing that I haven't been. There are 3 tiers and I eat a lot from the yellow tier. The list where only 10% of my calories are to come from. I also didn't realize how many things have sugar in them, even healthy treats and dishes. I'm normally good at reading labels for all the bad things but have been blindly ignoring the sugar ingredient. I am happy to say that day 2 and 3 I have been good, only I'm afraid I am consuming more calories then I need so that I need to watch.

I have really enjoyed drinking the Shakeology and even my husband loves it. I'm currently nursing my 6 month old girl and have noticed an increase in my milk supply. Happy Dance!!! I'm significantly pumping more milk. I allow myself 1700 calories; I'm doing the Les Mills Pump/Combat and I'm losing weight. My baby is healthy and I'm looking to loose my last 10 pounds to be at my pre-pregnancy weight before I had my first child almost 4 years ago.