Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Ever Feel Like This!!!

Have you ever felt like this?

I've been a Beachbody customer since 2007, the year my mother passed away. I absolutely love them. They are all about a lifestyle change and not a quick fix. They have helped me get into the best shape of my life and are currently helping me get my body back after 3 babies.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

1st week of Clean Eating, 2nd week Les Mills Body Pump

Well I survived my first week of clean eating but I'm sad to say it wasn't easy. I did make a few mistakes and ate some items I clearly knew I shouldn't. Cake and ice cream for dessert, seriously, I wasn't even hungry! I'm realizing a lot of my eating habits are in my head, thoughts that I allow to take over my body. Thoughts that make me justified wrong food choices. I woke up this morning and told myself that today is a new day!

On a positive note my Greenberry Shakeology arrived! I love it!!! I normally drink the Chocolate so I didn't no what to expect and I was pleasantly surprised. It's nice to have a treat that's good for you. This week I also finished week two of Les Mills Pump. Love the workout and my whole body is feeling it. I really feel it in my abs where I had my C-section. That's great because I know that area is starting to tone up. I will loose my mommy pooch! On the days where they recommend walking I've been doing one of the combat DVDs instead.

I finished up the week reading Go For No by Richard Fenton and Andrea Waltz. Great book I recommend for everyone. It focuses on a man in sales but you can apply the principles to every area of your life. I love that they give you practical advices in a story format. Fun, easy read!

Not a bad week overall!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Day 3 90/10 Clean Eating Challenge

I'm currently on day 3 of the 90/10 clean eating challenge. I would like to say that it's been easy but to be honest it's harder than I thought it would be. First off, I already thought I ate clean but I'm realizing that I haven't been. There are 3 tiers and I eat a lot from the yellow tier. The list where only 10% of my calories are to come from. I also didn't realize how many things have sugar in them, even healthy treats and dishes. I'm normally good at reading labels for all the bad things but have been blindly ignoring the sugar ingredient. I am happy to say that day 2 and 3 I have been good, only I'm afraid I am consuming more calories then I need so that I need to watch.

I have really enjoyed drinking the Shakeology and even my husband loves it. I'm currently nursing my 6 month old girl and have noticed an increase in my milk supply. Happy Dance!!! I'm significantly pumping more milk. I allow myself 1700 calories; I'm doing the Les Mills Pump/Combat and I'm losing weight. My baby is healthy and I'm looking to loose my last 10 pounds to be at my pre-pregnancy weight before I had my first child almost 4 years ago.

Friday, May 31, 2013

My return to Beachbody and Shakeology

I really tried last week to buy everything local. I did but boy did it dig deep into the pockets. I really wanted to start using Shakeology again and had to figure out how to put it in my budget. Most sites tell you how much you spend eating out and on junk food but this was going to add to my food bill. I don't eat out and we already eat healthy real food. I needed to add in or cut out $200 so both my husband and I could use Shakeology.

I signed up to become a coach because with two of us using Shakeology and the Ultimate Reset Maintenance Supplements we get a 25% discount. Even with tax and the monthly website fee we are still coming out ahead. I used Shakeology before and loved it. It's worth every penny!

To make room in my budget, I will still use Desert Roots CSA and am purchasing my grass fed meat from JH Grass Fed. The rest of my groceries will come from Costco, I simply can't find better deals anywhere else for healthy food. I've tried and have spent more at Walmart for a fee healthy items. Unfortunately coupons are for processed food and we do not put that in our bodies.

Seven years ago I started using P90X and I was in the best shape of my life. I long to get back to my weight before I had three girls in a four year period. After my first baby my doctor told me that my belly would never be flat again. I don't like the word never and a mommy doesn't have to settle for a mommy pooch. I'm combining Les Mills Combat and Pump while occasionally adding an Insanity workout. I like variety! On June 3rd I will begin the 90/10 clean eating challenge for 30 days plus my husband and I have just started drinking Shakeology for breakfast. I already have more energy to chase around my little girls and to nurse my 6 month old.

My yummy Recipe for 3 (Husband, Me and two toddlers):

2 scoops chocolate shakeology
1 cup Greek yogurt
2 cups almond milk
1 cup orange juice
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 tablespoon almond butter

Blend and enjoy!

Link to my website:

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Peach Coupon!

I was just checking out Fenway Park Orchards and they have a coupon for peaches! If you purchase 10 pounds of peaches you get a pound for free, the limit is one per vehicle though. Here is the link: They plan on opening this weekend and will have blackberries as well. I really want some blackberries. It's hard to grow berries in the desert so this would be a nice treat. I'm really trying hard not to run to the store for fruit that came from who knows were.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Mesa Community Farmer's Market

Yesterday the girls and I finally were able to leave the house after having been sick for 8 days. I decided some fresh air would be good for us so we headed over to the Mesa Community Farmer's Market. We haven't been to this market before so I was excited. I was very surprised at how small it was. There was just a few vendors there but we are in the slow season in Phoenix. Those that can leave the desert when it gets hot are lucky indeed. The vendors there were great. One Windmill Farm was the only veggie vendor. We bought some peaches, tomatoes, cabbage, onion and farm fresh eggs. I grabbed two jars of salsa from Lil' Sassy's Salsa, chocolate from Stone grindz and 1 pound of pecans from Donaldson Farms. The girls had a great time but I need to remember to bring cash only so that I don't get sidetracked. I have a hard time saying no to people and to be honest I went over my budget by splurging on chocolate that I didn't need.

Cold Brew Coffee

This was my first attempt at cold brew coffee. I'm hooked! I use to just pour hot coffee over ice add some milk and I thought I was good. I read an article in Edible Phoenix ( yesterday about cold brew coffee. There is a place in town I would love to visit, Vovomeena ( They are known for the Mornin' moonshine, cold brew coffee. Since I have kids and rarely get to visit a restaurant let alone Starbucks I decided to give it a try.

Cold Brew Coffee:
1 1/3 cup of coffee grounds (I use a dark roast)
4 cups of water
Place in a mason jar and let sit on the counter for 12 hours. Strain and place coffee in the refrigerator. It should keep for a couple of days. I use a one to one ratio in a glass of ice with almond milk.

Note: If you drink a lot of coffee then this will last about a day or two. You can tell in the picture I have had a lot of coffee today, I couldn't resist.