Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Brief idea of my financial position and what I'm trying to accomplish

I'm trying to be frugal but when it comes to good, wholesome, nourishing food it's hard. I slashed our food budget several months ago, buying the cheapest meat I could find and filling up the freezer with homemade crock pot meals. Well, several months later my husband gained weight and my attempt to loose the baby weight came to a halt and that was with exercising. My exercising was intense, Insanity! Plus, we aren't crock pot casserole types. In the past we had gone gluten free in the house for it seemed to help my two oldest daughters. But, as I already mentioned I was trying to be frugal and gluten free can get expensive. After this short experiment, I realized it wasn't working for us or our long term health.

To give you an idea of what I spend per month on food it's $800. I was trying $500 but that wasn't working but that is my goal. We are a family of five however our three girls are 3 and under so they aren't big eaters. We are a one income family, own our cars (no car payments) and our rent is really low. We no longer pay for cable TV, when we do watch TV we have an antenna, Amazon prime and Hulu. We have one cell phone which we are on the cheapest monthly plan, I really don't talk on the phone that much and my husband has a cell phone through work. I hand wash our dishes and hang our clothes out to dry. I make our own detergent, cleaning solutions etc all in an attempt to save money and to rid our home of harsh chemicals. We have made sacrifices in many areas so that we can build up our savings and eat healthy, yummy food.

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